The main organ of the Society is our journal Arquebusier. This is an A5 sized magazine of some 40 plus pages published six times a year. Each issue has a mixture of articles and illustrations provided by the membership of the society, and a central colour plate illustrating standards & colours, contemporary paintings etc. From its very inception it has aimed at providing historical information rather just than debating wargaming rules, we believe that we have found a happy medium since each edition has a range of articles of both a wargaming and historical focus.The final issue in each membership year is given over to a special theme, previous issues have featured the Wars of Religion, the Italian Wars and Tudor Armies.Arquebusier also covers reviews of new products, books, wargames figures, etc. and we can often offer discounted prices on the products reviewed as well as offering on-going discounts from a number of well known figure manufacturers (some of whom use Arquebusier as a source in designing their ranges). We aim to produce one volume (6 issues) a year, so if you have visited an interesting Museum or have a view on a book or set of rules, send us an article and see your name in print.

Sample Articles from Previous Issues:
Volume XXX/I Note DXVI. Ottoman Naval Flags from Lepanto
Volume XXII/II The Battle of Fornovo at Roll Call 1996
Volume XXIII/I Clothing and Equipment of Queen Elizabeth’s Army (Continued)
Volume XXIII/IV The Allied Order of Battle at Julich
Guidelines for Authors: Submissions to Arquebusier may be supplied in either a paper or an electronic format.
Material submitted in a paper format should, where possible, be typed with double spacing and with margins of
approximately one inch top and bottom as well as left and right. Hand-written articles should follow these spacing guidelines and should, in addition, have all names, titles and foreign language quotations PRINTED. Please do not use unusual typefaces or large fonts as this makes the article difficult to scan. All illustrations should be supplied on separate sheets to the text and the keys to them or notes to illustrations on separate pages as well. Please ensure that all pages of text include the author’s name, article title, page number and the total number of pages (e.g. 3/8 as a page number). At the very least please insure that your name is supplied to prevent your submission from becoming anonymous!
Where submissions have been produced on a computer we would be grateful for an electronic copy of the file, either e-mailed as an attachment to the editor, or sent as file on a disk. Where appropriate, bibliographies or source lists should be included. Entries should consist of the following: Author, Title, Place & Date of Publication, ISBN (where available). Where a passage from the text has been cited then a page number should be given. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that permission is obtained for the use of copyrighted material. Please note that the editor reserves the right to make adjustments to the text of any submission if it is felt that this will improve clarity.
For more information please contact the Society Chairman (the Editor position is currently vacant).